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Standing Free

It is funny how we know we want to be free, but not sure what it looks like. The thought of walking in freedom is inspirational, invigorating and refreshing, but what are we free from? If we do not know what it is that is holding us back or unwilling to explore our inner self.

Then trapped we will stay, break free!


FREEDOM – reference –

Freedom is defined as the state of being free, independent, without restrictions, or release from prison.

The capacity to act by choice rather than by determination, as from fate or a deity; free will.

The right to unrestricted use; full access.


We often do not recognise what is holding us back, could it be? Bondage to being popular, past sin and shame, or even not acknowledging our true emotions. Being aware of our thoughts and inner emotions, how our physical body and spirit responds to what is going on around us will help us move from bondage into freedom.

Defining what I want my life to look like took a back seat when I was younger, then years ago I looked around and realised that it was nothing like I imagined or desired. Why? I did not plan; I did not set boundaries around what I wanted and did not want. Things happened that I was ill-prepared to deal with, I just went with the flow. So, what do you want? Is it too late? NEVER. Freedom comes when we know what it is, we want, being able to make decisions knowing it is going to take us to a place we want to be and experience life.


Now I move into challenges knowing what I want…

“To live life, not just watch it go by”

Suzie Wood


Holding onto lies keeps us bound to thinking that if I do not say anything, everything will be okay. Lies that we are not good enough, not pretty enough and other unhelpful thoughts. The truth does not hurt, and when it is dealt with in a manner that desires relationship over results, then freedom is possible. The truth of freedom comes when expressions are spoken without fear of being loved less but embraced more. Freedom can be a risk, are you willing to take it?

Standing free, is always available to us. Standing knowing that I can walk down the street with my head held high, knowing that I have chooses to make and things to achieve. When we come to understand what it means to be free, for me, it is about feeling sad when sad things happen, being able to make choices because my head is clear and not cluttered with the noise of the world and being able to love without expecting it in return.

Reaching this ideal of freedom comes in waves. There are times when I am angry and blame others, knowing all too well, that I am responsible for how I respond, as it is easier to blame someone and not take responsibility. I make choices on the run, not working them out to the end consequence, to find myself busy when God is calling me to be still. I demand love, with conditions, to be left standing hurt, knowing I have raised the bar above what they can give. This is representative of the real journey to freedom, but do not quit, is worth pursuing.

Opening the box of freedom, pursuing it without holding back is what I am passionate about, being the best me, free to be the best me, living the best me. Warts and All. The journey is adventurous and full of risks, but with God at your side, it is a journey worth taking. Discovering who you really are when things are tough, inspires me to be all I am called to be. Shining!

My walk with Jesus has been full of opportunities to experience freedom, starting with my baptism and accepting that Jesus is the one responsible for setting me free to be me. As He was the one who died on the cross, for me to be fully who GOD created me to be.


John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

Gal 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.


Use your freedom wisely, it is not to squash others so you might arise, it is to give space for all to be all they are created to be.

Can you imagine, take your time to imagine, no rush…. Full unrestricted access to God..................... no shame, no inhibitions, no nothing. Well, you can! Jesus died for you, covered your shame so you can come into the courts of God…. Uninhibited, unrestrained, unashamed, raw, authentic and fully you. FREEDOM.

Take the Romans Road, google it... it will lead to you the one who brings true FREEDOM - JESUS

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